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  Museums & History on Cryptology & Espionage  

  Cryptologic Museums  

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National Cryptologic Museum
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National Cryptologic Museum
The NCM opened to the public in 1993 and is located near Fort Meade, Maryland. It also has a gift shop and a very elaborate library within the museum itself for research purposes.
Bletchley Park Museum
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Bletchley Park Museum
Located in Milton-Keynes near London, this museum offers much in terms cryptologic artifacts including the famous Abwehr G312 Enigma which had been stolen and recovered about 10 years ago. Replicas for both Colossus and Bombe have been built.
Center for Cryptologic History
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Center for Cryptologic History
Website highlights the CCH focus on cryptologic history not only for NSA/CSS but for the greater American Intelligence Community. Every two years, the CCH also sponsors the Cryptologic History Symposium. They have this online website of publications which has a rather extensive list of declassified and/or unclassified papers particularly on American cryptologic history.
GCHQ - History and Codebreaking
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GCHQ - History and Codebreaking
Website highlights GCHQ history including that of its predecessor GC&CS (Government Code and Cypher School). The website covers historical details from WW-I onwards with particular emphasis on Bletchley Park during WW-II.
GCSB Website
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GCSB - The History of Communications Security in New Zealand
Website highlights the GCSB current IA history. At this website, there's also a link to GCSB's history. GCSB once had a link to a more elaborate document titled "The History of Communications Security in New Zealand" but have removed it in the recent past. It can now be found at this RNZN Communicators Association website.
Military Communications and Electronics Museum
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Military Communications and Electronics Museum (Canada)
This museum (located in Kingston, Ontario Canada) contains an appreciable number of cryptographic items on display including 4-rotor Naval Enigma (on loan from the Communications Security Establishment), KL-7 rotor device and many other cryptographic and communications security artifacts.

Here is a YouTube video which provides a synopsis of the museum - narrated by the museum's curator Annette Gillis.

  Museums on Espionage  

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Comments / Questions
CIA Museum Tour
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CIA Museum Tour
Virtual tour of the CIA museum. You may wish to visit CIA's main webpage.
The Diefenbunker - Canada's Cold War Museum
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The Diefenbunker - Canada's Cold War Museum
Originally built in 1959 to protect the government from nuclear attacks, this shelter/bunker remained in operation under National Defence until 1994. It opened as a museum in 1998 and remains very much an attraction point for Canadians and foreign visitors to the Ottawa area.
International Spy Museum
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International Spy Museum
The International Spy Museum is located in Washington DC and officially opened in July of 2002. One can view this video feature for a first-hand perspective on the International Spy Museum.
KGB Museum
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KGB Museum
The KGB Museum is located in Moscow and information on the web suggests that it can only be seen by appointment or group tour.

  References on Cryptologic History  

Frode Weirud's Cryptocellar
An excellent and comprehensive website on several cryptographic devices and notably on Enigma for which Frode Weirud has deep knowledge while pursuing further research on this classic German crypto device.
Enigma Simulators Website (Netherlands)
An excellent and comprehensive website on Enigma simulators including details about the E-Enigma which is an affordable electronics kit which can be purchased from this or Bletchley Park's websites.
History of Communications Security
Partially declassified 158-page document from NSA.
Histoire des messages secrets
Ecoutez une entrevue de 40 minutes avec Jacques Stern.
Bibliothèque de Cryptologie
D'un excellent site "Apprendre-en-ligne".
Dirk Rijmenants' Website on Cryptology
Excellent website on technical and historical details on cryptographic devices and artifacts.
A Cryptographic Compendium
Excellent website by John Savard on technical and historical details regarding numerous cryptographic systems and devices.
Overview of the History of Cryptology
Web version of hardcopy pamphlet providing an introductory perspective on the history of cryptology - produced by the Communications Security Establishment Canada.
Aperçu de l'histoire de la cryptologie
Version web d'une brochure qui couvre une brève introduction à l'histoire de la cryptologie - brochure émise par le Centre de la Sécurité des télécommunications Canada.

  References on the History of Espionage  

Wikipedia entry on history of espionage
Excellent website on historical details on cryptographic devices and artifacts.

If you have questions or suggestions, please email Richard at his email address.

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